CIE IGCSE - English Literature

CIE | IGCSE | English Literature

Responding to Poetry

Exploring the use of sound in poetry

Exploring meanings and effects in poetry

Exploring meaning and structure

Exploring language and structure

Exploring the effects of imagery

Writing a critical response

Responding critically to poetry

CIE | IGCSE | English Literature

Responding to Prose

Exploring the way writers describe settings

Exploring prose fiction

How writers present their characters

Exploring characters in novels

Exploring how writers present relationships

How writers build suspense

The importance of openings and endings in prose fiction

Exploring third person viewpoint

Using mind maps to record your impressions of characters

CIE | IGCSE | English Literature

Responding to Drama

Exploring the ways in which dramatists portray characters

Shakespeare's portrayal of characters

Exploring structure and language in your Drama set text

Exploring the opening of Shakespeare's Julius Caesar

Exploring the opening of your Drama set text

Using mind maps to make notes about themes

Revising a character from your Drama set text

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