OCR GCSE - Computer Science

OCR | GCSE | Computer Science | Computer systems

Systems architecture

Architecture of the CPU

CPU performance

Embedded systems

OCR | GCSE | Computer Science | Computer systems

Memory and storage

Primary storage (Memory)

Secondary storage


Data storage


OCR | GCSE | Computer Science | Computer systems

Computer networks, connections and protocols

Networks and topologies

Wired and wireless networks, protocols and layers

OCR | GCSE | Computer Science | Computer systems

Network security

Threats to computer systems and networks

Identifying and preventing vulnerabilities

OCR | GCSE | Computer Science | Computer systems

Systems software

Operating systems

Utility software

OCR | GCSE | Computer Science | Computer systems

Ethical, legal, cultural and environmental impacts of digital technology

Ethical, legal, cultural and environmental impact

OCR | GCSE | Computer Science | Computational thinking, algorithms and programming


Computational thinking

Designing, creating and refining algorithms

Searching and sorting algorithms

OCR | GCSE | Computer Science | Computational thinking, algorithms and programming

Programming fundamentals

Programming fundamentals

Data types

Additional programming techniques

OCR | GCSE | Computer Science | Computational thinking, algorithms and programming

Producing robust programs

Defensive design


OCR | GCSE | Computer Science | Computational thinking, algorithms and programming

Boolean logic

Boolean logic

OCR | GCSE | Computer Science | Computational thinking, algorithms and programming

Programming languages and Integrated Development Environments


The Integrated Development Environment (IDE)

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