Key Stage 1 | Geography | Lesson 01

Introduction to Geography:
Understanding what geography is and why it's important.

Key Stage 1 | Geography | Lesson 02

Introduction to Geography:
Exploring maps, globes, and basic geography tools.

Key Stage 1 | Geography | Lesson 03

Our Local Environment:
Studying the local area, including the school, neighbourhood, 
and community.

Key Stage 1 | Geography | Lesson 04

Our Local Environment:
Identifying key features (e.g., parks, roads, buildings) and their 

Key Stage 1 | Geography | Lesson 05

Mapping Skills:
Learning to read simple maps and plans (e.g., school map, 
neighbourhood map).

Key Stage 1 | Geography | Lesson 06

Mapping Skills:
Understanding symbols and keys used on maps.

Key Stage 1 | Geography | Lesson 07

Exploring Continents:
Introducing the seven continents and their basic characteristics.

Key Stage 1 | Geography | Lesson 08

Exploring Continents:
Learning about animals and landmarks associated with each 

Key Stage 1 | Geography | Lesson 09

Weather and Seasons:
Understanding different types of weather (e.g., sunny, rainy, snowy) 
and their effects.

Key Stage 1 | Geography | Lesson 10

Weather and Seasons:
Exploring how seasons change and their impact on the environment.

Key Stage 1 | Geography | Lesson 11

Natural Landforms:
Identifying and exploring basic landforms (e.g., mountains, rivers, 

Key Stage 1 | Geography | Lesson 12

Natural Landforms:
Learning about how these landforms are formed and their 

Key Stage 1 | Geography | Lesson 13

Human Geography:
Studying human features of the environment (e.g., homes, schools, 

Key Stage 1 | Geography | Lesson 14

Human Geography:
Discussing how people interact with and change their environment.

Key Stage 1 | Geography | Lesson 15

Cultural Diversity:
Exploring different cultures and traditions around the world.

Key Stage 1 | Geography | Lesson 16

Cultural Diversity:
Learning about festivals, clothing, food, and customs from different 

Key Stage 1 | Geography | Lesson 17

Environmental Awareness:
Understanding the importance of protecting the environment 
(e.g., recycling, conservation).

Key Stage 1 | Geography | Lesson 18

Environmental Awareness:
Discussing ways to care for and respect the natural world.

Key Stage 1 | Geography | Lesson 19

Journeys and Transport:
Exploring different modes of transport (e.g., cars, buses, trains, boats).

Key Stage 1 | Geography | Lesson 20

Journeys and Transport:
Mapping journeys and discussing how transport helps people travel.

Key Stage 1 | Geography | Lesson 21

Exploring Water:
Learning about rivers, lakes, and seas.

Key Stage 1 | Geography | Lesson 22

Exploring Water:
Understanding the water cycle and its importance for life on Earth.

Key Stage 1 | Geography | Lesson 23

Comparing Places:
Comparing similarities and differences between different places 
(e.g., urban vs. rural areas, hot vs. cold climates).

Key Stage 1 | Geography | Lesson 24

Comparing Places:
Using photos, videos, or stories to learn about different places 
around the world.

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