Key Stage 1 | German | Lesson 01

Introduction to German:
Greetings and basic phrases (e.g., hallo, tschüss, bitte, danke).

Key Stage 1 | German | Lesson 02

Introduction to German:
Learning to introduce oneself (e.g., Ich heiße...).

Key Stage 1 | German | Lesson 03

Numbers and Counting:
Counting from 1 to 20 and beyond in German.

Key Stage 1 | German | Lesson 04

Numbers and Counting:
Learning basic mathematical operations
(e.g., addition and subtraction) using German numbers.

Key Stage 1 | German | Lesson 05

Colours and Shapes:
Naming colors (e.g., rot, blau, grün) and basic shapes
(e.g., Kreis, Quadrat, Dreieck) in German.

Key Stage 1 | German | Lesson 06

Colours and Shapes:
Using colors and shapes in simple descriptions and activities.

Key Stage 1 | German | Lesson 07

Animals and Pets:
Learning names of animals (e.g., Hund, Katze, Maus)
and pets (e.g., Vogel, Fisch).

Key Stage 1 | German | Lesson 08

Animals and Pets:
Describing animals and their characteristics.

Key Stage 1 | German | Lesson 09

Family Members:
Naming family members (e.g., Mutter, Vater, Bruder, Schwester)
in German.

Key Stage 1 | German | Lesson 10

Family Members:
Describing family relationships and roles.

Key Stage 1 | German | Lesson 11

Food and Drink:
Naming basic food items (e.g., Brot, Käse, Apfel) and drinks (e.g., Wasser, Milch, Saft) in German.

Key Stage 1 | German | Lesson 12

Food and Drink:
Role-playing ordering food and drinks in German.

Key Stage 1 | German | Lesson 13

Days of the Week and Months:
Learning names of days (e.g., Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch)
and months (e.g., Januar, Februar, März) in German.

Key Stage 1 | German | Lesson 14

Days of the Week and Months:
Discussing birthdays, holidays, and special events in 

Key Stage 1 | German | Lesson 15

Weather and Seasons:
Describing weather conditions (e.g., es ist sonnig, 
es regnet, es schneit) and seasons (e.g., Frühling, 
Sommer, Herbst, Winter) in German.

Key Stage 1 | German | Lesson 16

Weather and Seasons:
Talking about activities associated with different seasons.

Key Stage 1 | German | Lesson 17

Clothing and Accessories:
Naming clothing items (e.g., Hemd, Rock, Hose) and 
accessories (e.g., Schuhe, Hut, Schal) in German.

Key Stage 1 | German | Lesson 18

Clothing and Accessories:
Describing what one is wearing and preparing for different 
weather conditions.

Key Stage 1 | German | Lesson 19

Common Phrases and Expressions:
Learning everyday phrases (e.g., Wie geht es dir?, Guten Morgen, 
Auf Wiedersehen).

Key Stage 1 | German | Lesson 20

Common Phrases and Expressions:
Role-playing common interactions (e.g., asking for directions, 
making requests) in German.

Key Stage 1 | German | Lesson 21

German Culture and Traditions:
Exploring German celebrations (e.g., Weihnachten, Oktoberfest) and cultural traditions.

Key Stage 1 | German | Lesson 22

German Culture and Traditions:
Learning about customs, foods, and activities associated 
with German holidays.

Key Stage 1 | German | Lesson 23

Songs, Rhymes, and Games:
Singing traditional German songs and learning nursery 

Key Stage 1 | German | Lesson 24

Songs, Rhymes, and Games:
Playing language games (e.g., memory games with vocabulary, 
role-playing dialogues) in German.

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