Key Stage 1 | Mandarin | Lesson 01

Introduction to Mandarin:
Learning basic greetings (e.g., 你好 nǐ hǎo, 再见 zài jiàn) and polite expressions.

Key Stage 1 | Mandarin | Lesson 02

Introduction to Mandarin:
Practicing simple phrases for daily interactions.

Key Stage 1 | Mandarin | Lesson 03

Numbers and Counting:
Counting from 1 to 10, and gradually up to 20, in Mandarin.

Key Stage 1 | Mandarin | Lesson 04

Numbers and Counting:
Learning basic mathematical operations using Mandarin numbers.

Key Stage 1 | Mandarin | Lesson 05

Colors and Shapes:
Naming colors (e.g., 红色 hóng sè, 蓝色 lán sè) and basic shapes 
(e.g., 圆形 yuán xíng, 正方形 zhèng fāng xíng) in Mandarin.

Key Stage 1 | Mandarin | Lesson 06

Colors and Shapes:
Using colors and shapes in simple descriptions and activities.

Key Stage 1 | Mandarin | Lesson 07

Animals and Pets:
Learning names of animals (e.g., 猫 māo, 狗 gǒu, 鱼 yú) and pets 
(e.g., 兔子 tù zi, 鸟 niǎo).

Key Stage 1 | Mandarin | Lesson 08

Animals and Pets:
Describing animals and their characteristics in Mandarin.

Key Stage 1 | Mandarin | Lesson 09

Family Members:
Naming family members (e.g., 爸爸 bà ba, 妈妈 mā mā, 哥哥 gē gē, 
妹妹 mèi mei) in Mandarin.

Key Stage 1 | Mandarin | Lesson 10

Family Members:
Describing family relationships and roles.

Key Stage 1 | Mandarin | Lesson 11

Food and Drink:
Naming basic food items (e.g., 米饭 mǐ fàn, 水 shuǐ, 苹果 píng guǒ) 
and drinks (e.g., 茶 chá, 牛奶 niú nǎi, 橙汁 chéng zhī) in Mandarin.

Key Stage 1 | Mandarin | Lesson 12

Food and Drink:
Role-playing ordering food and drinks in Mandarin.

Key Stage 1 | Mandarin | Lesson 13

Days of the Week and Months:
Learning names of days (e.g., 星期一 xīng qī yī, 星期二 xīng qī èr) 
and months (e.g., 一月 yī yuè, 二月 èr yuè) in Mandarin.

Key Stage 1 | Mandarin | Lesson 14

Days of the Week and Months:
Discussing birthdays, holidays, and special events in Mandarin-
speaking countries.

Key Stage 1 | Mandarin | Lesson 15

Weather and Seasons:
Describing weather conditions (e.g., 天气 tiān qì, 晴天 qíng tiān, 
雨天 yǔ tiān) and seasons (e.g., 春天 chūn tiān, 夏天 xià tiān, 
秋天 qiū tiān, 冬天 dōng tiān) in Mandarin.

Key Stage 1 | Mandarin | Lesson 16

Weather and Seasons:
Talking about activities associated with different seasons.

Key Stage 1 | Mandarin | Lesson 17

Clothing and Accessories:
Naming clothing items (e.g., 衣服 yī fú, 鞋子 xié zi, 帽子 mào zi) 
and accessories (e.g., 手表 shǒu biǎo, 眼镜 yǎn jìng, 围巾 wéi jīn) 
in Mandarin.

Key Stage 1 | Mandarin | Lesson 18

Clothing and Accessories:
Describing what one is wearing and preparing for different 
weather conditions.

Key Stage 1 | Mandarin | Lesson 19

Common Phrases and Expressions:
Learning everyday phrases (e.g., 谢谢 xiè xiè, 对不起 duì bù qǐ, 
没关系 méi guān xì).

Key Stage 1 | Mandarin | Lesson 20

Common Phrases and Expressions:
Role-playing common interactions (e.g., asking for directions, 
making requests) in Mandarin.

Key Stage 1 | Mandarin | Lesson 21

Chinese Festivals and Traditions:
Exploring traditional Chinese festivals (e.g., 春节 Chūn Jié, 中秋节 
Zhōng Qiū Jié) and cultural traditions.

Key Stage 1 | Mandarin | Lesson 22

Chinese Festivals and Traditions:
Learning about customs, foods, and activities associated with 
Chinese holidays.

Key Stage 1 | Mandarin | Lesson 23

Songs, Rhymes, and Games:
Singing traditional Mandarin songs and learning nursery rhymes.

Key Stage 1 | Mandarin | Lesson 24

Songs, Rhymes, and Games:
Playing language games (e.g., memory games with vocabulary, 
role-playing dialogues) in Mandarin.

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