Key Stage 1 | Mathematics | Lesson 01

Counting and Cardinality:
Counting forwards and backwards from 1 to 100.

Key Stage 1 | Mathematics | Lesson 02

Counting and Cardinality:
Recognizing and writing numbers up to 20 (and beyond as appropriate).

Key Stage 1 | Mathematics | Lesson 03

Number Operations:
Addition and subtraction within 20 using concrete objects and 
pictorial representations.

Key Stage 1 | Mathematics | Lesson 04

Number Operations:
Understanding basic number bonds (e.g., pairs of numbers that make 10).

Key Stage 1 | Mathematics | Lesson 05

Place Value:
Understanding tens and ones in two-digit numbers.

Key Stage 1 | Mathematics | Lesson 06

Place Value:
Representing and comparing numbers using place value charts 
and number lines.

Key Stage 1 | Mathematics | Lesson 07

Shapes and Geometry:
Identifying and naming 2D shapes (e.g., square, circle, triangle, 

Key Stage 1 | Mathematics | Lesson 08

Shapes and Geometry:
Describing and sorting shapes based on their properties 
(e.g., sides, corners).

Key Stage 1 | Mathematics | Lesson 09

Measurement and Time:
Comparing lengths and heights using non-standard units 
(e.g., cubes, paper clips).

Key Stage 1 | Mathematics | Lesson 10

Measurement and Time:
Telling time to the hour and half-hour using analog and digital 

Key Stage 1 | Mathematics | Lesson 11

Recognizing and identifying coins (e.g., penny, nickel, dime, quarter).

Key Stage 1 | Mathematics | Lesson 12

Counting and making simple amounts using coins.

Key Stage 1 | Mathematics | Lesson 13

Patterns and Sequences:
Recognizing and creating repeating patterns (e.g., ABAB, AABAAB).

Key Stage 1 | Mathematics | Lesson 14

Patterns and Sequences:
Exploring number sequences and patterns (e.g., counting in 2s, 5s, 10s).

Key Stage 1 | Mathematics | Lesson 15

Data and Statistics:
Collecting and organizing data using simple tally charts and pictograms.

Key Stage 1 | Mathematics | Lesson 16

Data and Statistics:
Interpreting and discussing results from data representations.

Key Stage 1 | Mathematics | Lesson 17

Introducing halves and quarters through shapes and objects.

Key Stage 1 | Mathematics | Lesson 18

Understanding equal parts and simple fractions.

Key Stage 1 | Mathematics | Lesson 19

Problem Solving and Reasoning:
Solving practical problems involving addition, subtraction, and other 
basic operations.

Key Stage 1 | Mathematics | Lesson 20

Problem Solving and Reasoning:
Using mathematical reasoning to explain solutions and justify choices.

Key Stage 1 | Mathematics | Lesson 21

Mathematical Vocabulary and Language:
Developing mathematical language to describe shapes, sizes, positions, 
and movements.

Key Stage 1 | Mathematics | Lesson 22

Mathematical Vocabulary and Language:
Using mathematical terms (e.g., more than, less than, equal to) 

Key Stage 1 | Mathematics | Lesson 23

Real-life Applications:
Applying mathematical skills to everyday situations (e.g., shopping, 
cooking, telling time).

Key Stage 1 | Mathematics | Lesson 24

Real-life Applications:
Solving problems in context to develop practical skills.

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