Key Stage 1 | Physical Education | Lesson 01

Movement Skills and Coordination:
Developing basic locomotor skills (e.g., running, jumping, hopping).

Key Stage 1 | Physical Education | Lesson 02

Movement Skills and Coordination:
Practicing balance and coordination exercises 
(e.g., walking on a line, balancing on one foot).

Key Stage 1 | Physical Education | Lesson 03

Ball Skills:
Learning to throw, catch, and kick a ball with control and accuracy.

Key Stage 1 | Physical Education | Lesson 04

Ball Skills:
Practicing dribbling and passing skills with different types of balls 
(e.g., soccer ball, basketball).

Key Stage 1 | Physical Education | Lesson 05

Gymnastics Basics:
Exploring basic gymnastic movements (e.g., forward roll, 
teddy bear roll, cartwheel).

Key Stage 1 | Physical Education | Lesson 06

Gymnastics Basics:
Using mats and soft equipment to practice safe gymnastic skills.

Key Stage 1 | Physical Education | Lesson 07

Athletics and Running:
Introducing sprinting and running techniques.

Key Stage 1 | Physical Education | Lesson 08

Athletics and Running:
Participating in relay races and short-distance running activities.

Key Stage 1 | Physical Education | Lesson 09

Outdoor and Adventure Activities:
Engaging in outdoor games and activities (e.g., tag, hide and seek).

Key Stage 1 | Physical Education | Lesson 10

Outdoor and Adventure Activities:
Exploring nature walks and basic orienteering skills.

Key Stage 1 | Physical Education | Lesson 11

Dance and Creative Movement:
Learning simple dance routines and movements to music.

Key Stage 1 | Physical Education | Lesson 12

Dance and Creative Movement:
Expressing emotions and storytelling through dance and movement.

Key Stage 1 | Physical Education | Lesson 13

Health and Fitness:
Understanding the importance of physical activity for health 
and well-being.

Key Stage 1 | Physical Education | Lesson 14

Health and Fitness:
Participating in fitness circuits or exercises 
(e.g., jumping jacks, squats, stretches).

Key Stage 1 | Physical Education | Lesson 15

Teamwork and Collaboration:
Playing cooperative games and activities that emphasize teamwork 
(e.g., group challenges, team relays).

Key Stage 1 | Physical Education | Lesson 16

Teamwork and Collaboration:
Learning to communicate effectively and support teammates.

Key Stage 1 | Physical Education | Lesson 17

Swimming and Water Safety:
Introducing basic water skills and safety rules (if applicable).

Key Stage 1 | Physical Education | Lesson 18

Swimming and Water Safety:
Practicing floating, kicking, and water confidence exercises in a safe environment.

Key Stage 1 | Physical Education | Lesson 19

Sports Skills and Mini-Games:
Learning skills related to specific sports (e.g., basketball dribbling, 
tennis racket control).

Key Stage 1 | Physical Education | Lesson 20

Sports Skills and Mini-Games:
Playing mini-games and modified versions of sports to develop 
skills and understanding.

Key Stage 1 | Physical Education | Lesson 21

Fitness Testing and Goal Setting:
Participating in basic fitness tests (e.g., timed runs, jumping distance).

Key Stage 1 | Physical Education | Lesson 22

Fitness Testing and Goal Setting:
Setting personal fitness goals and tracking progress over time.

Key Stage 1 | Physical Education | Lesson 23

Outdoor Play and Physical Development:
Engaging in unstructured play and outdoor activities to develop 
physical literacy.

Key Stage 1 | Physical Education | Lesson 24

Outdoor Play and Physical Development:
Exploring playground equipment and practicing safe play habits.

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