Key Stage 1 | PSHEE | Lesson 01

Myself and Others:
Understanding and celebrating similarities and differences among peers.

Key Stage 1 | PSHEE | Lesson 02

Myself and Others:
Exploring feelings, emotions, and ways to express them appropriately.

Key Stage 1 | PSHEE | Lesson 03

Friendship and Relationships:
Recognizing the qualities of a good friend.

Key Stage 1 | PSHEE | Lesson 04

Friendship and Relationships:
Learning how to make friends and resolve conflicts peacefully.

Key Stage 1 | PSHEE | Lesson 05

Respect and Kindness:
Discussing the importance of treating others with respect and kindness.

Key Stage 1 | PSHEE | Lesson 06

Respect and Kindness:
Exploring empathy and understanding different perspectives.

Key Stage 1 | PSHEE | Lesson 07

Personal Safety:
Learning about personal boundaries and personal space.

Key Stage 1 | PSHEE | Lesson 08

Personal Safety:
Understanding who to trust and how to seek help if feeling unsafe.

Key Stage 1 | PSHEE | Lesson 09

Healthy Lifestyles:
Exploring the importance of balanced nutrition and hydration.

Key Stage 1 | PSHEE | Lesson 10

Healthy Lifestyles:
Learning about the benefits of physical activity and rest for health.

Key Stage 1 | PSHEE | Lesson 11

Hygiene and Self-care:
Understanding basic hygiene practices (e.g., handwashing, dental care).

Key Stage 1 | PSHEE | Lesson 12

Hygiene and Self-care:
Discussing the importance of grooming and personal cleanliness.

Key Stage 1 | PSHEE | Lesson 13

Emotional Well-being:
Identifying and managing emotions such as happiness, sadness, 
anger, and fear.

Key Stage 1 | PSHEE | Lesson 14

Emotional Well-being:
Exploring strategies for coping with stress and building resilience.

Key Stage 1 | PSHEE | Lesson 15

Celebrating Diversity:
Learning about different cultures, traditions, and celebrations.

Key Stage 1 | PSHEE | Lesson 16

Celebrating Diversity:
Discussing the value of diversity and inclusivity in society.

Key Stage 1 | PSHEE | Lesson 17

Rights and Responsibilities:
Understanding basic rights (e.g., right to education, safety) 
and responsibilities (e.g., respecting rules).

Key Stage 1 | PSHEE | Lesson 18

Rights and Responsibilities:
Exploring how rights and responsibilities apply in daily life.

Key Stage 1 | PSHEE | Lesson 19

Money and Financial Education:
Introducing the concept of money and its uses.

Key Stage 1 | PSHEE | Lesson 20

Money and Financial Education:
Learning about saving, spending wisely, and the importance 
of budgeting.

Key Stage 1 | PSHEE | Lesson 21

Environmental Awareness:
Discussing the importance of caring for the environment.

Key Stage 1 | PSHEE | Lesson 22

Environmental Awareness:
Exploring ways to reduce, reuse, and recycle to protect natural 

Key Stage 1 | PSHEE | Lesson 23

Digital Citizenship:
Understanding internet safety and responsible online behavior.

Key Stage 1 | PSHEE | Lesson 24

Digital Citizenship:
Learning about privacy, cyberbullying, and how to stay safe online.

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