Key Stage 1 | Science | Lesson 01

Identifying and naming common plants, including garden plants, 
wild plants, and trees.

Key Stage 1 | Science | Lesson 02

Understanding the basic structure of plants 
(e.g., roots, stem, leaves, flowers).

Key Stage 1 | Science | Lesson 03

Exploring what plants need to grow (e.g., water, light, soil).

Key Stage 1 | Science | Lesson 04

Animals, Including Humans:
Identifying and naming common animals, including mammals, 
birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish.

Key Stage 1 | Science | Lesson 05

Animals, Including Humans:
Understanding basic animal structures and functions 
(e.g., body parts, senses).

Key Stage 1 | Science | Lesson 06

Animals, Including Humans:
Exploring life cycles and basic needs of animals 
(e.g., food, water, shelter).

Key Stage 1 | Science | Lesson 07

Everyday Materials:
Identifying and naming everyday materials 
(e.g., wood, plastic, glass, metal, water, rock).

Key Stage 1 | Science | Lesson 08

Everyday Materials:
Exploring the properties of materials 
(e.g., hard/soft, stretchy/stiff, shiny/dull).

Key Stage 1 | Science | Lesson 09

Everyday Materials:
Understanding how materials are used for different purposes.

Key Stage 1 | Science | Lesson 10

Seasonal Changes:
Observing and describing weather associated with the seasons.

Key Stage 1 | Science | Lesson 11

Seasonal Changes:
Exploring how the length of day changes with the seasons.

Key Stage 1 | Science | Lesson 12

Seasonal Changes:
Understanding the impact of seasonal changes on plants and animals.

Key Stage 1 | Science | Lesson 13

Habitats and Living Things:
Identifying different habitats (e.g., forest, pond, meadow) 
and the plants and animals that live there.

Key Stage 1 | Science | Lesson 14

Habitats and Living Things:
Exploring how living things depend on each other and 
their environment.

Key Stage 1 | Science | Lesson 15

Habitats and Living Things:
Understanding simple food chains and the concept of a habitat.

Key Stage 1 | Science | Lesson 16

Human Body and Health:
Learning about the human body and its main parts 
(e.g., head, arms, legs, heart).

Key Stage 1 | Science | Lesson 17

Human Body and Health:
Understanding the five senses (e.g., sight, hearing, touch, taste, smell).

Key Stage 1 | Science | Lesson 18

Human Body and Health:
Discussing the importance of exercise, nutrition, and hygiene 
for health.

Key Stage 1 | Science | Lesson 19

Light and Shadows:
Exploring sources of light (e.g., sun, torch, lamp).

Key Stage 1 | Science | Lesson 20

Light and Shadows:
Understanding how shadows are formed and how they 
change in different conditions.

Key Stage 1 | Science | Lesson 21

Light and Shadows:
Investigating how light is needed to see things.

Key Stage 1 | Science | Lesson 22

Forces and Movement:
Understanding the concept of push and pull as forces.

Key Stage 1 | Science | Lesson 23

Forces and Movement:
Exploring how different objects move (e.g., rolling, sliding, spinning).

Key Stage 1 | Science | Lesson 24

Forces and Movement:
Investigating how the shape of objects affects movement and speed.

Key Stage 1 | Science | Lesson 25

Electricity (Basic Introduction):
Identifying common electrical appliances and their uses.

Key Stage 1 | Science | Lesson 26

Electricity (Basic Introduction):
Exploring simple circuits using batteries, wires, and bulbs.

Key Stage 1 | Science | Lesson 27

Electricity (Basic Introduction):
Understanding basic safety rules around electricity.

Key Stage 1 | Science | Lesson 28

Earth and Space (Basic Introduction):
Learning about the sun, moon, and stars.

Key Stage 1 | Science | Lesson 29

Earth and Space (Basic Introduction):
Exploring the concept of day and night.

Key Stage 1 | Science | Lesson 30

Earth and Space (Basic Introduction):
Understanding that the Earth is part of a larger solar system.

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