Key Stage 2 | Science | Lesson 01

Parts of plants and their functions (e.g., roots, stem, leaves, flowers).

Key Stage 2 | Science | Lesson 02

Requirements for plant growth (e.g., water, light, nutrients).

Key Stage 2 | Science | Lesson 03

Life cycle of plants, including pollination, seed formation, and dispersal.

Key Stage 2 | Science | Lesson 04

Animals, Including Humans:
Human body systems and functions (e.g., digestive, circulatory, respiratory).

Key Stage 2 | Science | Lesson 05

Animals, Including Humans:
Life cycles of different animals (e.g., mammals, amphibians, insects).

Key Stage 2 | Science | Lesson 06

Animals, Including Humans:
Nutrition and diet, including food groups and healthy eating.

Key Stage 2 | Science | Lesson 07

Living Things and Their Habitats:
Classification of living things (e.g., plants, animals, fungi, microorganisms).

Key Stage 2 | Science | Lesson 08

Living Things and Their Habitats:
Different habitats and the organisms that live in them.

Key Stage 2 | Science | Lesson 09

Living Things and Their Habitats:
Adaptations of organisms to their environment.

Key Stage 2 | Science | Lesson 10

States of Matter:
Properties of solids, liquids, and gases.

Key Stage 2 | Science | Lesson 11

States of Matter:
Changes of state (e.g., melting, freezing, evaporation, condensation).

Key Stage 2 | Science | Lesson 12

States of Matter:
The water cycle and its processes.

Key Stage 2 | Science | Lesson 13

Rocks and Fossils:
Types of rocks and their properties (e.g., sedimentary, 
igneous, metamorphic).

Key Stage 2 | Science | Lesson 14

Rocks and Fossils:
Formation of fossils and what they tell us about the past.

Key Stage 2 | Science | Lesson 15

Rocks and Fossils:
Soil composition and formation.

Key Stage 2 | Science | Lesson 16

Sources of light and the concept that light travels in 
straight lines.

Key Stage 2 | Science | Lesson 17

How we see things and the role of the eye.

Key Stage 2 | Science | Lesson 18

Shadows and how they change depending on the light source.

Key Stage 2 | Science | Lesson 19

Forces and Magnets:
Different types of forces (e.g., gravity, friction, air resistance).

Key Stage 2 | Science | Lesson 20

Forces and Magnets:
Magnetic materials and how magnets work.

Key Stage 2 | Science | Lesson 21

Forces and Magnets:
Investigating the effects of different forces on movement.

Key Stage 2 | Science | Lesson 22

Basic components of electrical circuits (e.g., batteries, 
wires, bulbs).

Key Stage 2 | Science | Lesson 23

Conductors and insulators.

Key Stage 2 | Science | Lesson 24

Simple circuits and how to build them.

Key Stage 2 | Science | Lesson 25

How sounds are made and travel through different mediums.

Key Stage 2 | Science | Lesson 26

The structure of the ear and how we hear.

Key Stage 2 | Science | Lesson 27

Pitch and volume of sounds and how they can be changed.

Key Stage 2 | Science | Lesson 28

Earth and Space:
The solar system, including planets, moons, and the Sun.

Key Stage 2 | Science | Lesson 29

Earth and Space:
The Earth's rotation and orbit, and how they cause day and night, and the seasons.

Key Stage 2 | Science | Lesson 30

Earth and Space:
Phases of the Moon and eclipses.

Key Stage 2 | Science | Lesson 31

Materials and their Properties:
Comparing and grouping materials based on their properties (e.g., hardness, solubility, conductivity).

Key Stage 2 | Science | Lesson 32

Materials and their Properties:
Reversible and irreversible changes (e.g., dissolving, mixing, burning).

Key Stage 2 | Science | Lesson 33

Materials and their Properties:
Uses of everyday materials based on their properties.

Key Stage 2 | Science | Lesson 34

Evolution and Inheritance:
Basic principles of evolution and natural selection.

Key Stage 2 | Science | Lesson 35

Evolution and Inheritance:
Inherited traits and how they are passed from parents to offspring.

Key Stage 2 | Science | Lesson 36

Evolution and Inheritance:
The work of key scientists such as Charles Darwin.

Key Stage 2 | Science | Lesson 37

Scientific Enquiry and Investigation Skills:
Planning and conducting experiments.

Key Stage 2 | Science | Lesson 38

Scientific Enquiry and Investigation Skills:
Making predictions and hypotheses.

Key Stage 2 | Science | Lesson 39

Scientific Enquiry and Investigation Skills:
Recording results and drawing conclusions.

Key Stage 2 | Science | Lesson 40

Scientific Enquiry and Investigation Skills:
Using scientific equipment and measurement.

Key Stage 2 | Science | Lesson 41

Health and Wellbeing:
The importance of exercise, diet, and hygiene for maintaining health.

Key Stage 2 | Science | Lesson 42

Health and Wellbeing:
The effects of drugs, alcohol, and tobacco on the body.

Key Stage 2 | Science | Lesson 43

Health and Wellbeing:
Mental health and wellbeing.

Key Stage 2 | Science | Lesson 44

Environmental Science:
Human impact on the environment (e.g., pollution, deforestation, climate change).

Key Stage 2 | Science | Lesson 45

Environmental Science:
Conservation and sustainability practices.

Key Stage 2 | Science | Lesson 46

Environmental Science:
Renewable and non-renewable resources.

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