OCR GCSE - Citizenship Studies 
Democracy and government

OCR | GCSE | Citizenship Studies | Democracy and government | Lesson 04

Democracy, elections and voting in the UK

OCR | GCSE | Citizenship Studies | Democracy and government | Lesson 05

National, local, regional and devolved government

OCR | GCSE | Citizenship Studies | Democracy and government | Lesson 06

British constitution

OCR | GCSE | Citizenship Studies | Democracy and government | Lesson 07

The economy, finance and money

OCR | GCSE | Citizenship Studies | Democracy and government | Lesson 08

The role of the media and free press

OCR | GCSE | Citizenship Studies | Democracy and government | Lesson 09

Citizenship participation in the UK

OCR | GCSE | Citizenship Studies | Democracy and government | Lesson 10

Politics beyond the UK

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