CIE IGCSE - History

CIE | IGCSE | History | Core Content: Option A

The nineteenth century: the development of modern nation states, 1848–1914

Were the Revolutions of 1848 important?

How was Italy unified?

How was Germany unified?

Why was there a civil war in the United States and what were its results?

Why, and with what effects, did Europeans expand their overseas empires in the nineteenth century?

What caused the First World War?

 CIE | IGCSE | History | Core Content: Option B

The twentieth century: international relations since 1919

Were the peace treaties of 1919–23 fair?

To what extent was the League of Nations a success?

Why had international peace collapsed by 1939?

Who was to blame for the Cold War?

How effectively did the United States contain the spread of Communism?

How secure was the USSR’s control over Eastern Europe, 1948–c.1989?

Why did events in the Gulf matter, c.1970–2000?

 CIE | IGCSE | History | Depth Studies

Depth Study A: The First World War, 1914–18

Why was the war not over by December 1914?

Why was there stalemate on the Western Front?

How important were other fronts?

Why did Germany ask for an armistice in 1918?

 CIE | IGCSE | History | Depth Studies

Depth Study B: Germany, 1918–45

Was the Weimar Republic doomed from the start?

Why was Hitler able to dominate Germany by 1934?

The Nazi regime

 CIE | IGCSE | History | Depth Studies

Depth Study C: Russia, 1905–41

Why did the Tsarist regime collapse in 1917?

How did the Bolsheviks gain power, and how did they consolidate their rule?

How did Stalin gain and hold on to power?

What was the impact of Stalin’s economic policies?

 CIE | IGCSE | History | Depth Studies

Depth Study D: The United States, 1919–41

How far did the US economy boom in the 1920s?

How far did US society change in the 1920s?

What were the causes and consequences of the Wall Street Crash?

How successful was the New Deal?

 CIE | IGCSE | History | Depth Studies

Depth Study E: China, c.1930–c.1990

Why did China become a Communist State in 1949?

How far had Communist rule changed China by the mid-1960s?

What was the impact of Communist rule on China’s relations with other countries  / regions?

How far had Communist rule changed China by c.1990?

 CIE | IGCSE | History | Depth Studies

Depth Study F: South Africa, c.1940–c.1994

What were the foundations of the apartheid state?

How successfully was apartheid established between 1948 and 1966?

To what extent did South Africa change between 1966 and 1980?

Why did white minority rule come to an end?

 CIE | IGCSE | History | Depth Studies

Depth Study G: Israelis and Palestinians since 1945

How was the Jewish state of Israel established?

How was Israel able to survive despite the hostility of its Arab neighbours?

What was the impact of the Palestinian refugee issue?

Why has it proved impossible to resolve the Arab–Israeli issue?

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