CIE IGCSE - History
Depth Study F: 
South Africa, c.1940–c.1994

CIE | IGCSE | History | Depth Study F: South Africa, c.1940–c.1994 | Lesson 01

What were the foundations of the apartheid state?

CIE | IGCSE | History | Depth Study F: South Africa, c.1940–c.1994 | Lesson 02

How successfully was apartheid established between 1948 and 1966?

CIE | IGCSE | History | Depth Study F: South Africa, c.1940–c.1994 | Lesson 03

To what extent did South Africa change between 1966 and 1980?

CIE | IGCSE | History | Depth Study F: South Africa, c.1940–c.1994 | Lesson 04

Why did white minority rule come to an end?

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