CIE IGCSE - History
Depth Study G: 
Israelis and Palestinians since 1945

CIE | IGCSE | History | Depth Study G: Israelis and Palestinians since 1945 | Lesson 01

How was the Jewish state of Israel established?

CIE | IGCSE | History | Depth Study G: Israelis and Palestinians since 1945 | Lesson 02

How was Israel able to survive despite the hostility of its Arab neighbours?

CIE | IGCSE | History | Depth Study G: Israelis and Palestinians since 1945 | Lesson 03

What was the impact of the Palestinian refugee issue?

CIE | IGCSE | History | Depth Study G: Israelis and Palestinians since 1945 | Lesson 04

Why has it proved impossible to resolve the Arab–Israeli issue?

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