OCR GCSE - Ancient History 
Cleopatra: Rome and Egypt, 69–30 BC

OCR | GCSE | Ancient History | Cleopatra: Rome and Egypt, 69–30 BC | Lesson 01

Cleopatra’s life and character

OCR | GCSE | Ancient History | Cleopatra: Rome and Egypt, 69–30 BC | Lesson 02

Cleopatra as queen of Egypt, including political, domestic and foreign policies

OCR | GCSE | Ancient History | Cleopatra: Rome and Egypt, 69–30 BC | Lesson 03

Cleopatra’s relationships with Caesar (48–44 BC) and Mark 
Antony (41–30 BC) and their political significance

OCR | GCSE | Ancient History | Cleopatra: Rome and Egypt, 69–30 BC | Lesson 04

The Battle of Actium and its significance for Egypt and Rome

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