OCR GCSE - Ancient History

GCSE | Ancient History

The Persian Empire, 559–465 BC

The rise of the Persian Empire under Cyrus the Great 559–530 BC

Cambyses II, Smerdis and the accession of Darius 530–522 BC

The reign of Darius the Great 522–486 BC

Xerxes I and the Greeks 486–465 BC

GCSE | Ancient History | Depth study

From Tyranny to Democracy, 546–483 BC

Athens under the tyrants

Tyranny and Samos

The Emergence of Democracy in Athens

Democracy in action

GCSE | Ancient History | Depth study

Athens in the Age of Pericles, 462–429 BC

The workings of Athenian democracy

The relationship between Athens and Sparta and Pericles’ Foreign Policy

Pericles and the cultural and religious life in Athens

Women in Athens

GCSE | Ancient History | Depth study

Alexander the Great, 356–323 BC.

Upbringing, character, beliefs and life of Alexander

Alexander’s campaigns: The reasons for his expeditions and the main battles

Significant events in Alexander’s life

The Macedonian army under Alexander

GCSE | Ancient History

The foundations of Rome: from kingship to republic, 753–440 BC

The legendary kings: Origins of Rome 753–616 BC

The Etruscan kings: 616–509 BC

Origins of the Republic: 509–494 BC

Securing the Republic: 494–440 BC

GCSE | Ancient History | Depth study

Hannibal and the Second Punic War, 218–201 BC

Reasons for the outbreak of the Second Punic War

The nature and dynamics of Hannibal’s leadership

The changing nature of Rome’s response to Hannibal

How did Rome defeat Carthage?

GCSE | Ancient History | Depth study

Cleopatra: Rome and Egypt, 69–30 BC

Cleopatra’s life and character

Cleopatra as queen of Egypt, including political, domestic and foreign policies

Cleopatra’s relationships with Caesar (48–44 BC) and Mark Antony (41–30 BC) and their political significance

The Battle of Actium and its significance for Egypt and Rome

GCSE | Ancient History | Depth study

Britannia: from conquest to province, AD 43–c.84

Claudius’ invasion of Britain

The changing policies of the various Roman governors and the significance and success of these governors

Cooperation between Romans and Britons and the effects of Roman rule

Resistance after the invasion

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