OCR GCSE - Ancient History 
The foundations of Rome: 
from kingship to republic, 753–440 BC

OCR | GCSE | Ancient History | The foundations of Rome: from kingship to republic, 753–440 BC | Lesson 01

The legendary kings: Origins of Rome 753–616 BC

OCR | GCSE | Ancient History | The foundations of Rome: from kingship to republic, 753–440 BC | Lesson 02

The Etruscan kings: 616–509 BC

OCR | GCSE | Ancient History | The foundations of Rome: from kingship to republic, 753–440 BC | Lesson 03

Origins of the Republic: 509–494 BC

OCR | GCSE | Ancient History | The foundations of Rome: from kingship to republic, 753–440 BC | Lesson 04

Securing the Republic: 494–440 BC

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