OCR GCSE - Business 

OCR | GCSE | Business | Business activity, marketing and people | People | Lesson 11

The role of human resources

OCR | GCSE | Business | Business activity, marketing and people | People | Lesson 12

Organisational structures and different ways of working

OCR | GCSE | Business | Business activity, marketing and people | People | Lesson 13

Communication in business

OCR | GCSE | Business | Business activity, marketing and people | People | Lesson 14

Recruitment and selection

OCR | GCSE | Business | Business activity, marketing and people | People | Lesson 15

Motivation and retention

OCR | GCSE | Business | Business activity, marketing and people | People | Lesson 16

Training and development

OCR | GCSE | Business | Business activity, marketing and people | People | Lesson 17

Employment law

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